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Self Care Survival for the Holidays

How’s your Self Care going? It’s been a challenge to stay healthy during the last 9 months. Now it’s time to deal with the 2020 holiday season. The last few months of the year can be a time of indulgence. That’s not the best way to manage your Self Care.

With the limits placed on us in the current season, it’s even harder to be healthy. You might not have the money for the treats you want to give yourself as part of your Self Care. The places you’d like to go for those treats might not be fully open for business. Maintaining social distancing creates even more limits.

We need to practice a kind of minimalist Self Care in this season when there might be no time/access/money for bigger treats like massages, vacations, weekend getaways. It doesn’t sound like fun, but it’s doable.

And it’s better for us in the Self Care long run. Here are some ways for you to power through with healthy Self Care when you’re in Self Care Survival Mode in the coming weeks, and into the new year.

When you wash your hands:

–Say a mantra of positive words, like “hope, love, hug, sunshine, faith, connect, smile”. Choose words that have meaning for you

–Recite a list of the people who love you, or hold a special place in your life

–Pray to your Higher Power, naming all the little things you need in that day, that hour, or just for the task in front of you

–List your blessings, the tiny ones. A safe home, being warm, clean sheets, completion of the day, soap, a soft towel, a beating heart

When you’re driving:

— Call a friend and reconnect. If there’s no time to talk, leave a voice message saying you’re thinking of him or her

— Create a positive music playlist and listen to it

— Give yourself a pep talk out loud

When you put on a mask:

— Make a list of all the reasons you’re worth taking care of

— List all the people you want to protect by wearing the mask (name them out loud, make it personal)

— List 3 things for which you’re grateful

When you’re receiving a service:

–When picking up groceries or a meal, or checking out at a store, tell the worker/cashier you appreciate their work, and you’re grateful for the service they’re providing for your community

You need to bring your best skills to your Self Care right now. It’s not just about avoiding the corona virus; we’re in survival mode trying to stay healthy. Mind, body, spirit.

Wishing you the best of the holiday season and your best Self Care from The Heart of Hospice!

No matter who you are, or where you are in your hospice journey, you are The Heart of Hospice.

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