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It’s a Sunny Day!

Time for an update on Sunny! Sunny is a goldendoodle who came to live with my family when he was 8 weeks old. He’s about 5 1/2 months old now. He’s grown leaps and bounds. While he’s a fast learner, he’s still just a big puppy. Sunny currently weighs in at 32 lbs – he’s a big guy and getting bigger every day. His projected adult weight is 65-75 pounds.

Sunny’s a big flurry baby right now. He likes to sprawl out on the tile floor to cool down after playing hard. He frequently brings sticks or pine cones from outside to “share” with all of us in the house. His paws are HUGE! Sunny went to his first grooming appointment a week ago and did a great job. While the staff only groomed a few key areas, Sunny was learning how to behave while having his nails clipped and his fur brushed and dried.

Helen meets Sunny, March 2020

Sunny will be going to a boarded training program sometime in the next few months. After that he and I will work together to earn a certification for him as a therapy dog. My hope is that Sunny and I will work as a team volunteering at a local hospice agency to provide visits to the patients and encouragement to the hospice team.

Sunny was born at Golden Rule Retrievers in Buffalo, Texas. He was hand-picked by owner Amanda Davis after extensive temperament testing to ensure the puppy would be well suited for the work Sunny and I’ll be doing. Amanda is also the owner of Bella’s Buddies, a non-profit organization that places therapy dogs with veterans and schools in need. Amanda has personal experience with the benefit of these wonderful dogs. You can read her story here.

Sunny’s favorite spots in the house are in the middle of a bed or the dining room table (both off-limits). He loves to grab socks out of the clean laundry so I will play chase with him. My most important job is to rub his tummy, which he loves!! He’s really just a big goofball with a sweet temperament. He’s been a close companion to me since the pandemic started.

Watch for more updates on Sunny’s growth and life with me. He’s excited to become part of The Heart of Hospice team!

No matter who you are, or where you are in your hospice journey, you are The Heart of Hospice!

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