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How to Self Care During the Holidays

This time of year seems like it flows from holiday to another. Halloween, then Thanksgiving, then Christmas and Hanukkah, then New Year’s Eve. I don’t adjust to change that quickly. I don’t really like going out during the first week of November and seeing Christmas decorations in the stores. Even worse to me is hearing Christmas music before Halloween decorations are cleared away.

It’s not that I dislike holidays. I just like to take them one at a time. Managing one event before I start another is easier for me. Changing up my routines and my schedule feels disruptive. I’m a creature of habit, and a little bit of a Grinch.

Shaking up our Self Care routines makes it harder to manage a healthy self care regimen. Shortened sleep, holiday travel, party food, snacks at work – they’re waiting to ambush your Self Care. Before you know it, you’re sleep deprived, skipping workouts, and binge eating those (delicious) calorie-dense/nutritionally poor foods. Even holiday movies filled with heavy sentiment can sway your emotions in an unhealthy way.

I can tell you from personal experience that trying to recover from a holiday season of serious self-indulgence isn’t worth it. It’s going to take a lot more work and mental discipline to get you back on track with healthy Self Care habits. You can still enjoy the holidays without having a setback of the good habits you’ve worked to develop. Here are some tips to help you.

  1. Eat before you go to that party/gathering.

  2. Choose fruit or vegetable offerings.

  3. If you’re taking a dish, contribute something healthy. (There will be other party-goers who want to eat healthy, too.)

  4. Avoid the calories that come with alcohol consumption.

  5. Move your workout around but DON’T skip it.

  6. Choose music and movies that are meaningful to you.

  7. Follow the traditions that are a part of who you are, and share them with family and friends.

  8. Create personal rituals that help you find the meaning of the season.

  9. Continue to observe any special faith traditions you have.

So take the holidays on your own terms! Maintain your healthy Self Care habits and land in the beginning of 2020 ready to take on a new year with a healthy you.

Remember, no matter who you are, or where you are in your hospice journey, you are The Heart of Hospice.

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