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How to Be a Remote Caregiver

Is it possible to be a caregiver from a distance?

Yes!  Lots of caregivers are providing some type of care while living a distance from their caree.  It’s called remote caregiving.

The world has gotten smaller.  Children grow up and move away.  People get transferred to jobs in new cities.  Family members can be spread apart.  Aging or chronically ill parents might encounter situations where immediate family members don’t live close by.

This creates some challenges.  The possibility of being there to provide assistance for the day to day activities is gone.  Costs associated with travel might prevent the caregiver from being on site with the caree for months at a time.  Additionally, a remote caregiver might not be able to take time off from work to deal with caregiving responsibilities.

While the physical burden of bedside caregiving isn’t there,  a remote caregiver might deal with other issues.   (Think BIG emotions.)  He or she might feel guilty about not being there  when needed.  Feeling pulled in several directions is normal.  It’s easy to feel distracted or overwhelmed.

There are tools that can help you with the unique circumstances associated with remote caregiving.  Technology can help.  Websites and various products are available to help with communication, healthcare needs, and safety.

Here are a few options:

  1. Try FaceTime or Skype for a visual connection (Skype is a free video chat software, so easy to use!)

  2. Caring Village is a great software for a group of remote caregivers to coordinate activities and manage meds –

  3. BeClose is a security system to keep your caree safe –

  4. Check out AARP for a great resource on remote caregiving

  5. Family Caregiver Alliance has tons of info and resources for caregivers

These are just some resources to get you started.  Do a little online research – there are lots of options.  Try to get connected with other caregivers.  It helps to know that you’re not the only one.  You’re really not by yourself.  Hint – there are over 40 million unpaid caregivers  out there in the U.S.

I won’t tell you it’s easy to be a remote caregiver.  Distance adds to the workload.  I will tell you that you can do it.  You got this.

No matter who you are,

Or where you are in your hospice journey,

You are the Heart of Hospice.

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