Our colleague Barbara Karnes is one of the most well-known hospice experts in the U.S. She’s the author of a widely used booklet on end of life called “Gone from My Sight”. It’s so commonly used that hospice professionals have given it a nickname – “The Little Blue Book”.
Barbara Karnes, Hospice RN and Industry Expert
Barbara is a hospice nurse. She’s an advocate for excellence in hospice care, making it her mission to support and educate not only the public, but end of life professionals as well. Through her numerous resources and a great blog, Barbara answers the questions that burden families and healthcare practitioners who are dealing with serious illness.
If you’re needing resources for a hospice interdisciplinary team or for your own personal use, you can find Barbara’s books at bkbooks.com. They’re also available on Amazon. Whether you need booklets, DVDs, books, or ebooks, Barbara’s written something that can help you make sense of the dying process, death, and grief – including the grief that comes with losing a beloved pet. Purchase resources for your hospice agency by clicking here.
We’ve had the privilege of talking with Barbara on The Heart of Hospice podcast several times. Chatting with her is always like talking to a old friend, simple, warm and comfortable conversations.
You can listen to one of Barbara’s interviews with us by clicking here. We discussed the reluctance to refer to hospice, and how we grieve over the death of a pet.
Barbara also participated in our Connection Moments campaign in 2020, designed to encourage and give hope to hospice practitioners dealing with effects of the pandemic. Hear her hopeful words by clicking here.
You can connect with Barbara on Facebook as well. She posts answers to questions she receives, and offers gentle practical advice about end of life issues. For all your end of life concerns and questions, Barbara Karnes is an industry expert who can help.
No matter who you are or where you are in your hospice journey, you are The Heart of Hospice.